Pray with Us

“Nothing helps a person more than prayer.”St. Philip Neri

Prayer is the foundation of the most important relationship we will ever have, our relationship with God. Pray with us at Mass. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Or deepen your relationship with God through these other opportunities for personal prayer.

  • Adoration

    Come and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at the Newman Center. Adoration is offered an hour before our Tuesday-Thursday Masses. On Fridays Adoration will be after Mass.

  • The Well

    Gather with us at the Well to be filled with God's love for you through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praise and worship, prayer ministry, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for announcements about events like this, or check out our calendar.

  • spiritual direction

    Sometimes we need another person to talk to about what God is doing in our lives, about our joys and our struggles, and about our hopes and dreams for the future. A spiritual director can be a valuable aid in helping us pay closer attention to the work of the Holy Spirit in and around us. If you are interested in spiritual direction, please contact us.